Personal Available on an Annual/Lifetime basis to all Seventh-day Adventist volunteers involved in any aspect of Prison or Jail Ministry, as well as Criminal Justice professionals, who subscribe to APMOA's Mission and Vision Statements, and APMOA's “Code of Ethics”. Benefits: 1 APMOA Bumper Sticker (new members, only), 1 APMOA Lapel Pin (new members, only), 1 copy of the APMOA By-laws (new members, only), the ability to hold elected office, voice and voting privileges at all APMOA Business Sessions, as well as an APMOA Membership Certificate and card. ($25.00)
Household Available on an Annual/Lifetime basis to any Seventh-day Adventist couple (husband and wife), who are involved in any aspect of Prison or Jail Ministry and subscribe to APMOA's Mission and Vision Statements, and APMOA's “Code of Ethics”. Benefits: 2 APMOA Bumper Stickers (new members, only), 2 APMOA Lapel Pins (new members, only), voice and voting privileges at APMOA business sessions (both), the ability of both to hold elected office, as well as an APMOA Membership Certificate and 2APMOA Membership cards. ($40.00)
Organizational Available on an Annual/Lifetime basis to any organized Seventh-day Adventist group that is involved in any aspect of Prison or Jail Ministry and operates according to our “Ethical Guidelines for Organizational Members”, while individually complying with our “Code of Ethics”, as well as our Mission and Vision Statements. Benefits: 5 APMOA Bumper Stickers (new members, only), Voice and voting privileges (all 5) at APMOA Business Sessions, 5 APMOA Lapel Pins (new members, only), (new members, only), as well as 1 APMOA Membership Certificate. ($125.00)
Associate Available on an Annual/Lifetime basis to anyone who wants to financially support APMOA. Benefits: 1 APMOA Bumper Sticker (new members, only), as well as an APMOA Membership Certificate. Has a voice, but not a vote at APMOA Business Sessions. ($15.00)
Affiliate Available on an Annual/Lifetime basis to all Criminal Justice agencies, all universities or Colleges (Adventist or non-Adventist) that have an interest in prisons and jails, and Non-Adventist Prison Ministry groups. Benefits: 1 APMOA Lapel Pin, 1 APMOA Bumper Sticker (new members, only), as well as an APMOA Membership Certificate. Representatives may have a voice, but not a vote at APMOA Business Sessions. ($75.00)
NOTE:, New members, other than "Associate" and "Affiliate", that pay membership dues for 1 year also get a one-time copy of the General Conference "Keys to Prison Ministries" Handbook. Those paying for 2 years, except "Associate" and "Affiliate" get the above, plus a one-time copy of the "Evangelism Behind Bars" (EBB) Manual. All those paying for 3 years, except "Associate" and "Affiliate" (or "Life-time") get all of the above,plus a one-time "Caring for the Forgotten" Plaque. All members can purchase additional APMOA Bumpers, Lapel Pins, By-laws, and Handbooks. Additional copies of the "EBB" Resource Manual, as well as the "Caring for the Forgotten" Plaque can be purchased from the author.