Welcome to our website
On behalf of the Alliance of Prison Ministry Organizations and Affiliates' officers and Board members, I am so glad that you stopped by. Please know that you are welcome to drop in anytime. In fact, we'd love to have you as a member (investor). Therefore, we invite you to check out our "About Us" and "Membership" Pages for details. We are proud to serve you as a training, resource, and consultation organization.
Daniel G. McManus, President
We will not hold a 2025 Convention, because of the General Conference Session. Our 2026 Convention will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on the dates of July 26-JULY 28, 2026. Note the change of days for the convention. The Convention will start on Sunday Night (instead of Wednesday Night) and close out on Tuesday Night (instead of Saturday Night). We will have an "Alice A. Humphrey Awards Luncheon" on Tuesday, instead of a banquet. At this Convention, we will elect officers and make By-laws changes. Although there will be no Sabbath Worship, we will have daily Devotionals and close out with a Tuesday Night Worship Service and Concert. These days will be the days from now on. If you have questions/comments, let us know. Stay tuned for more information.